Types of Housing Discrimination

housing discrimination

Types of Housing Discrimination

Housing discrimination is different from employment discrimination. Both are serious offenses that may result in financial, professional, and educational barriers. Housing discrimination refers to systematic patterns of unfair treatment that adversely affect an individual’s ability to purchase or rent housing. This disparate treatment on the housing market may be based on race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or any other group characteristic. Discrimination against these groups is illegal under civil rights laws in almost every country.

There are two major forms of housing discrimination. Employers who deny employment opportunities to qualified people because of their race, color, religion, or gender are engaging in discrimination. Governmental agencies, such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and local government agencies such as the local police department, have legal departments that deal with housing discrimination cases. Civil rights lawyers specialize in defending clients who have been discriminated against due to their group identity.

People whose group identities cause them to be excluded from a housing or work environment may be eligible for housing discrimination claims. For example, if someone who is a member of a protected minority is denied housing or access to a job or educational opportunity by an employer, a lawyer may argue that the decision to discriminate is based on discriminatory reasons. If an individual has been denied the right to live in a home or rented an apartment by a landlord due to his or her race, sex, or disability, then the lawyer would argue that the denial of the housing or apartment was made on account of that particular group.

The second form of housing discrimination that may be worth filing a complaint about is a housing discrimination case in court. In many states in the United States, landlords and housing administrators are not required to use the Fair Housing Act as a basis for discrimination. Therefore, it is up to the plaintiff to show that a landlord has engaged in conduct that is unlawful. Some examples of this include requiring potential tenants to sign “no pets” agreements. Another example involves requiring tenants who want to live in a home to go through a credit screening process.

If you are harassed by someone in your workplace because of your gender, religion, or other group characteristic, you can file a complaint to claim harassment. However, in most cases, the victim has to prove that the act or words of harassment is based on these attributes. {rather than something unrelated. An example is if someone in your office calls you an “ugly,” you may not win a claim for harassment if you’re called “ugly.”

It is important that you consult a lawyer for help when filing a claim. The law and the laws that apply to the specific situation may vary from state to state.

Types of Housing Discrimination